Biodynamic agriculture was the first organized approach to organic and regenerative agriculture. It developed following a series of lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in 1924 on the topic of agriculture from an anthroposophical perspective which became known as “The Agriculture Course” The course came about as a result of a number of farmers starting to see a decline in the quality of food, vitality of seed and fertility in animals. They had asked Rudolf Steiner to give a course so that they could gain insight into ways to address these issues. This was the time when chemical methods were being introduced into agriculture, in particular the use of artificial nitrogen.
Rudolf Steiner was a clairvoyant who studied chemistry and biology, investigated native cultures, herbal medicine and folk lore, homeopathy and many other disciplines which allowed him deep insights into nature and life processes. The agriculture course was comprised of eight lectures presented over ten days. One of the key concepts throughout the Agriculture course was the guiding principle of the farm as an individuality or an organism within its self. Rudolf Steiner was advocating an attitude of managing a farm holistically when he said “ A farm is true to its essential nature, in the best sense of the word, if it is conceived of as a kind of individual entity in its self – a self-contained individuality” Every farm should approximate to this condition. To view the earth as an organism, the soil as an organism and a cultivated field as an organism all functioning within the whole. Whatever you need for agricultural production, you should try to possess from within the farm itself.
He also gave instructions on the making and use of a number of remedies to heal the earth made from cow manure, quartz crystal and a range of medicinal herbs which are known as the biodynamic preparations. They are Horn manure, Horn silica, Yarrow, Chamomile, Nettle, Oakbark, Dandelion, Valerian and Horsetail. The preparations work on many levels from physical, etheric, astral and spirit and are an essential part of biodynamic agriculture. On a physical level they increase photosynthesis, activate minerals and trace elements in the soil and promote soil biology so that plants can get all the nutrition they need through microbial interactions. On a more energetic level they sensitize the soil to information coming from the cosmos which allows the soil to become intelligent. This produces nutrient dense food with life forces that can feed humans and animals physically, emotionally and mentally. Best agronomic practice is essential for any farming system, good plant and animal husbandry and a sensitivity and care for the soil need to be developed. Observation is the key to intelligence and when we learn to see what we are looking at we can make the best decisions for the management of our farms.
We are all aware of the effect of the sun and the moon on life on this planet. So its not such a challenge to understand that we are also affected by the planetary and star realm. We are but a microcosm of the macrocosm and constantly under the influence of the celestial bodies. Plants in their natural environment are still very much attuned to these influences but animals and humans to a much lesser extent, mainly as a result of how we are managing the biosphere. The biodynamic preparations have the ability to reestablish this connection.
In the past 100 years since Rudolf Steiner delivered his Agriculture course biodynamics has been growing steadily. “Demeter” the label for certified biodynamic produce was the first organic certification in 1928 and now represents 7000 farmers in 63 countries across all continents. Rudolf Steiners vision for his biodynamic method for agriculture was very clear:
“The most important thing is to make the benefits of our agriculture preparations available to the largest possible areas over the entire earth, so that the earth may be healed and the nutritive quality of its produce improved in every respect. That should be our first objective”.
100 years on, his revelations have survived, evolved, proliferated and their influence persists.